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Report on the National Scientific Conference "Patients' Rights. The limits of patient autonomy"

15 December 2022

On 15-16 April 2016, the Faculty of Law of the University of Bialystok hosted the National Scientific Conference "Patients' rights. The limits of patient autonomy'. The event was organised by the Scientific Circle of Medical and Pharma-ceutical Law "Pro Humanae Vitae". The aforementioned student organisation, which has been in operation since 15 April 2014, conducts its activities under the scientific supervision of Dr Urszula Drozdowska, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Law at the University of Białystok. The conference was divided into six thematic blocks. The first day of the event featured three panels, which were followed by an opening ceremony held in the Faculty's main auditorium. Speakers included representatives of the dean's authorities, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs, Prof. UwB, Ewa Monika Guzik-Makaruk, Ph.D., and Vice-Dean for Full-time Studies, Prof. UwB, Maciej Perkowski, Ph. On behalf of the organisers, the event's openers warmly welcomed guests from many Polish academic centres and wished them fruitful deliberations. The first session of the conference was entitled The issues of respecting the autonomy of an incapacitated adult patient. The introductory lecture was given by Dr Maria Bora-tyńska from the University of Warsaw, who also moderated the first panel. The lecture entitled Limb amputation: "I want better legs" referred mainly to the case of the non-disabled model Victoria Modesta and showed not only the legal, but also the ethical and social controversies raised by this aspect of respecting patient autonomy

https://repozytorium.uwb.edu.pl/jspui/bitstream/11320/5883/1/BSP_22_2_K_Bagan- Kurluta_On_the_rights_of_child_observations_some_on_the_tle_books_Blazej_Kmieciak_Law_of_children a_as_patient.pdf