Homepage " Publications " Polish publications " FOR CHILDREN AND PARENTS


15 December 2022

When considering the concept of the humanisation of medicine, one cannot ignore the extremely important aspect of talking to children about illness, hospitalisation and death. Taking into account the feelings of the youngest and familiarising them with difficult topics seems to be an integral part of humane treatment. A child is much more nervous if he does not know what is happening to him and why. What awaits him or her at the doctor's office, dentist or hospital? Will it hurt, what treatments will he or she undergo? How can he cope with the illness of his loved ones? What is allergy, diabetes, cancer? Why do we need viruses? It is worth talking to your children, and including a book in this conversation will help to tame fears through age-appropriate content and situations.

This collection will primarily serve children. Those who go for routine visits, but also those who have had or are having daily contact with illness and suffering - in their own lives, or in the lives of loved ones. The items presented here will also help parents, educators, teachers and educators, nurses and doctors, clergy, psychologists and others who seek such knowledge.