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15 December 2022

The first publication on lifestyle medicine written on the basis of the latest EBM research. It contains reliable information on healthy lifestyle and its effective recommendation to patients. It shows its impact on the therapy and prevention of civilisation diseases, which in many cases is more effective than drug treatment. The book is divided into sections that cover all pillars of health. It is aimed at doctors, public health specialists, dieticians, physiotherapists and healthy lifestyle fans alike.
In our country, the belief that lifestyle is the main determinant of health is gradually spreading. Therefore, it was with great curiosity that I read the monograph entitled 'Lifestyle Medicine', which is devoted to various aspects of the influence of lifestyle on human health. The book that is being handed over to the readers is the result of a successful initiative of combining the knowledge and experience of specialists in various fields, who have discussed sometimes difficult issues in detail, but in an accessible and balanced manner. The greatest value of the handbook is the interdisciplinary view of the relationship between lifestyle and human health. It is gratifying that the text of the individual chapters is based on scientific facts and not merely on beliefs or unverified views. At the same time, it is a practical and reliable guide to a healthy lifestyle. The book is written in beautiful language and is a pleasure to read. And one more advantage of the presented monograph: attention is drawn to the clear layout of the book, which makes it easier for the reader to assimilate the knowledge it contains. I am convinced that the readers will not only be medical professionals. I am convinced that the monograph will bring the reader closer to the - not always fully perceived - medical profession.

  • the importance of a pro-healthy lifestyle. I am pleased to recommend reading the book, especially as it is the first such publication in our country.
    Prof. Dr. Piotr Jankowski, Institute of Cardiology, Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum in Krakow
    Today, medicine too often loses the battle against diseases of civilisation. Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, cancer and depression are the disease entities that dominate the offices of Polish doctors. At the same time, cardiovascular and cancer diseases account for more than ¾ of causes of death in first-world countries. Despite the dynamic development of pharmacotherapy and invasive treatment methods, the growing number of new cases is still not being brought under control. This is certainly influenced by demographic changes and the rapid ageing of our populations. But the main cause lies in the lifestyle of 'modern' man. Lack of activity, poor, deficient food, stress and smoking are risk factors that are common denominators for diseases of civilisation. Meanwhile, the media inundate audiences with a wide stream of 'ways of
    on health". However, it should be stressed that much of this information is not supported by scientific research and some of it is even harmful. Therefore, there is a great need in our country to promote knowledge on prevention and non-pharmacological treatment of non-communicable diseases based on reliable facts. The monograph Lifestyle Medicine edited by Dr Daniel Śliż and Professor Artur Mamcarz is a very valuable recapitulation of knowledge based on solid scientific foundations. This is because it is worth remembering that behavioural medicine is the foundation of the treatment of many diseases of civilisation, and lifestyle medicine interventions have a very high efficacy in both the treatment and prevention of non-communicable diseases. The efficacy of these interventions, in many cases, is not only unmatched but superior to drug treatment. The book provides up-to-date information on dietary methods, the design of a proper diet, as well as effective methods for its recommendation. Based on a sound analysis of current guidelines, as well as current scientific reports, the authors dispel popular myths and provide guidance on how to properly design a nutrition model.
    Tomasz Zdrojewski, MD, PhD, professor nadzw. , Committee on Public Health of the Polish Academy of Sciences
    Very often we think we already know almost everything about lifestyle-related health risk factors. Because who among us hasn't heard about or experienced the harmful effects of alcohol or started to gain weight due to an inadequate diet or lack of physical activity. For me - not only as a sports journalist - but also as a runner who swallows kilometres over marathon distances - Lifestyle Medicine immediately aroused curiosity. Every page I read of Medicine... made me realise that my knowledge of the subject was indeed, in many cases, only superficial. Without a doubt, the book was worth reaching for and is worth recommending to anyone wishing to broaden their knowledge of medicine and everyday health. This is because behind the dry statistical data in the pages of Medicine, there is a profound knowledge of a great many factors influencing the health of each and every one of us. And that is why I recommend it to anyone who is not indifferent to health.
    Maciej Kurzajewski,
    Topics such as miracle diets, new discoveries about healthy eating methods, revolutionary workout methods, are the daily bread of any lifestyle presenter

morning television programme. Many of them are ideas supported by the authors' beliefs, faith in their originality, but unfortunately not by serious research. This book allows me to debunk myths and explains with precision the principles of healthy eating and living. An excellent read for people who value facts, not legends.
Tomasz Kammel