Introduction. Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women and often requires breast amputation. Mastectomy is a great experience for women and often leads to a reduced quality of life. It is sought to ensure that the medical interventions undertaken not only cure, but also improve the quality of life of patients.
Objective. Assessing quality of life in women after mastectomy.
Material and methods. The study involved 70 women affiliated with the Amazon Club. A self-administered survey questionnaire and the standardised WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire were used. The analysis was performed using the STATISTICA 7.1 programme.
Results. Mastectomy negatively affects women's general condition and quality of life. Quality of life is rated highest in the physical domain and lowest in the psychological domain. Age and work activity have a statistically significant impact on quality of life. Reconstructive surgery and prosthetics improve the perceived quality of life of women after mastectomy.
Conclusions. The quality of life of post-mastectomy women is maintained in the study group in the middle range of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire scale PB.pdf?1499549664=&response-content- disposition=inline+filenameQuality_of_life_in_asthmatic_patients.pdf&Expires=16 19773224&Signature=WY7o7t9q2R1C~MNBOCAH~la~WUlp0rWqpaeg9~JTihxNI67oFiw zR8SqAmuY4EbY-AF-.
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