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Disease acceptance of patients with diabetes and its impact on quality of life and subjective health assessment

14 December 2022

Introduction. Acceptance of the illness promotes the mobilisation of the patient's strengths and also makes it possible to prevent a reduction in quality of life as a consequence of chronic illness.

Purpose of the work. To determine the degree of acceptance of the disease among patients with diabetes and its impact on quality of life and health satisfaction.

Material and methods. The study was conducted among patients of the Diabetes Outpatient Clinics of the Regional Medical Centre and the Regional Hospital in Opole. The AIS scale was used, as well as self-reported questions on: subjective assessment of quality of life and health, course of diabetes, comorbidities and values of clinical indices (BMI, RR, HbA1C).

Results. The average AIS score among all respondents was 29. More than half of the respondents (57%) accept their disease at a high level. 3% are very satisfied with their health status and at the same time accept their disease at a very high level (39 points). The patient's level of quality of life and subjective assessment of health depends on the degree of acceptance of diabetes.

Conclusions. Acceptance of the disease depends on factors such as gender, age, the value of health indicators, the course of diabetes and the pharmacological treatment used. The higher the degree of acceptance of the disease, the higher the assessment of quality of life and health. Full acceptance of the disease is a guarantee of a high quality of life.http://www.biedronkowo.info/attachments/article/280/Psychologiczny%20i%20medyczny.pdf