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Quality of life in patients undergoing renal replacement therapy

14 December 2022

Dr Ewa Baum's monograph is one of the few studies on the quality of life of patients undergoing renal replacement therapy. With the longer survival of the general population (...), and the epidemic of civilisation diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and its sequelae are becoming a major social health problem.

The work authored by Dr Ewa Baum is of uncommonly high scientific as well as general scholarly value in a topic that has so far too rarely been addressed. The merits of the publication, especially the original and innovative insights, are highlighted in the review. Medical students, doctors at dialysis stations, nephrology or transplantation units should be able to read this monograph in order to broaden their knowledge, but above all to learn about the opinions of the patients they care for. I believe that the work is a very important contribution to the development of knowledge on the quality of life of patients undergoing renal replacement therapy (...)

Prof. Dr. Andrzej Oko (excerpt from the review)

This publication addresses the quality of life of patients undergoing renal replacement therapy. There are approximately two million people undergoing such therapy worldwide. Adding their families and relatives, it appears that the problem under study indirectly affects many millions of people. (...) The study by Ewa Baum, PhD, is of high scientific value and describes aspects of suffering of patients with failing kidneys not often dealt with in the Polish scientific literature. The work has been composed in such a way that it can also be a useful textbook in the education of medical students. The vast amount of information drawn from many fields of science should be of interest not only to doctors and medical professionals, but also to humanists focusing their interests on issues of health, illness and quality of life.

Adam Czabański, PhD (excerpt from the review)