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Socio-cultural contexts of corporeality
and sexuality in the public and private sphere. The limits of shame and embarrassment in medical counselling

14 December 2022

Link to work https://depotuw.ceon.pl/bitstream/handle/item/3425/3204-DR-SOC- 970431.pdf?sequence=1

The issues addressed in this paper are interdisciplinary in nature. Carnality, sexuality, shame and repulsion, as well as the doctor-patient relationship are a source of interest not only for various scientific disciplines, but also for various fields of sociology itself. The perspective of research and theoretical considerations adopted in this work is based on the assumptions of understanding sociology. This theoretical and methodological orientation initiated by Max Weber assumes that the essence of explaining social phenomena is to understand them. It is crucial to know the meanings that individuals attribute to and are guided by in their actions. Understanding, in other words, humanistic sociology focuses not on collective entities such as social class, but is interested in the behaviour of the individual. A sub-discipline that emerged from the paradigm proposed by Weber is the sociology of everyday life. Its premises form the context for the content presented in this paper

Source: Extract from the introduction