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Therapeutic responsibility of professional patient advocates

14 December 2022

What do we associate the law with? Most people probably associate the law with the courtroom, the profession of lawyer or judge. Rarely, however, do scholarly discussions draw attention to the fact that law can also be an extremely important aspect of the inner experience. The sociology of law, i.e. the science that analyses the social effects of law, points out that specific provisions can have motivational, informational and controlling effects. This impact always involves the experience of certain emotions, both positive and negative. These emotions play a remarkable role in the recovery process. In recent years, one can see the increasingly important role of professional patient advocates in this process. We are talking about the court of care and ombudsmen or attorneys for the protection of patients' rights. These experts usually appear in situations involving legal and family issues or take part in proceedings relating to mental health care. At this point, it is worth reflecting: is the role of these experts limited only to intervention and information? Can they have a positive or negative impact on the patient's condition by providing knowledge about his/her rights? What mistakes can be made in a similar situation? Are there methods that can currently be used to support these legal experts?

http://www.repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl/Content/108617/PDF/11_Klimas_K_Zdolnosc_do_wyr azenia_agreement_on_treatment_by_the_patient_a_ability_to_act_legally.pdf