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Rights of patients with mental disorders

14 December 2022

Legislation is present today in practically every area of life, including medicine. Legislation concerning the care of patients with mental disorders who, due to their state of health or incapacitation, do not have the possibility to directly make decisions concerning them, plays a special role in this respect. The survey covered 40 representatives of medical staff from social care homes and from a psychiatric ward of a treatment facility in the Podkarpackie voivodeship. The research was carried out by means of a diagnostic survey based on the author's questionnaire. The vast majority of respondents (70%) stated that patients are made aware of their rights on admission to the treatment facility, of which 57.5% said that the information is verbal. The entire population surveyed had the knowledge that a patient is admitted to a hospital without their consent in a situation where they are endangering their health and the lives of others. Respondents knew most of the patient's rights. The vast majority of respondents indicated that medical staff did not respect patient rights. Only one in three respondents knew that a patient can obtain access to his or her medical records under any circumstances.
https://repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl/Content/89901/PDF/03_02_B_Kmieciak_Prawa_Pacjenta_re flexions_in_party_changes.pdf