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Assessment of knowledge and attitudes of medical staff of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital named after Prof. Orlowski in Warsaw towards patients' rights

14 December 2022

Respect for patients' rights by medical staff is the basis of a properly functioning health service. The aim of this study was to analyse the knowledge and attitudes of medical staff towards patients' rights. 100 doctors (40% specialists) and 100 nurses (30% with secondary education, 25% with bachelor's degree) participated in the study.

Mean age: 40 years (min. 24, max. 64, SD: 9), mean length of service: 15 years (min. 1, max. 44, SD: 10; median: 13). The methods used in this study were a diagnostic survey, a voluntary, anonymous questionnaire, a self-constructed questionnaire, 46 questions. Their knowledge of patient rights was rated very well by 19% doctors and 7% nurses, and well by 34% doctors and nurses (p < 0.011). The right to information, to inspect medical records and the right to health services were known to 85% respondents (p = NS). 78% respondents were familiar with the Act on Patients' Rights and the Patients' Ombudsman, 64% confirmed that they had witnessed violations of patients' rights in the workplace. Respondents' knowledge of patient rights was insufficient, and a system of training for medical staff in this area should be developed and implemented. The role of medical staff in providing information on patients' rights is negligible, so staff should be enabled to acquire knowledge, skills and competence in this area. The majority of respondents have witnessed violations of patients' rights, so the respect of patients' rights by medical staff should be monitored and those who do not respect them should be held professionally responsible.

https://docplayer.pl/6109274-Zgoda-pacjenta-katarzyna-baron-streszczenie-1-uwagi- general.html