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Observance of patients' rights by medical personnel

14 December 2022

Patients' rights are a set of entitlements to which a person is entitled for the use of health services. They are regulated by a set of regulations which include norms of an objective nature informing about what a patient may expect from public authorities and from entities directly providing health services. They are protected by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997. Of particular importance is the Act of 6 November 2008 on Patients' Rights and Patients' Rights Ombudsman. It distinguishes between the following rights: to health services, to information, to confidentiality of information relating to the patient, to consent to the provision of health services, to respect for the patient's intimacy and dignity, to medical documentation, to object to a doctor's opinion or ruling, to respect for private and family life, to pastoral care, and to the safekeeping of valuables in a depository. The aim of this article is to present the most important patient rights in Polish legislation and to show how they are respected by medical personnel.

http://docplayer.pl/23077894-Prawa-pacjenta-konrad-wronski-patient-rights-wstep-rys- historical-development-of-patient-rights.html