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The role and rights of the patient in the quality of health services

14 December 2022

Healthcare institutions are among the organisations for which ensuring the highest possible quality of their services is a priority value, as good quality translates into health, trust, safety and, above all, the life of the patient. Recent years have brought many changes in the area of quality of medical services. With the entry into force of the law on universal health insurance in 1999, the importance of the effectiveness of the activities of health care institutions has increased, the role of patients has grown, and competition and courting of recipients has emerged. Together with the growing awareness and demands on the part of consumers of health services, patient rights have also become more important. As the concept of quality in health care services is very difficult to define unambiguously, the authors decided to present the problem primarily from the perspective of the external customer, which in this case becomes the patient of the health care facility, who comes to the health care facility for the product he or she expects in order to solve his or her health problem. This study has a scientific and reflective character, emphasises the significant role and rights of the patient in the area of quality of health care services, and encourages further reflection and discussion on the subject.
https://repozytorium.umk.pl/bitstream/handle/item/1322/SIT.2011.013Baczyk- Rozwadowska.pdf?sequence=1