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Professional Liability of Doctors in Practice. Collection of Supreme Court decisions with commentaries

14 December 2022

Link to book https://www.mp.pl/ksiegarnia/produkt/16205

"It contains a discussion of a number of cassation decisions issued by the Supreme Court as a consequence of appeals against judgments of the Supreme Medical Court. Their presentation is preceded by an introduction showing the statistics of such cases and an explanation of the cassation grounds.

The book is aimed at:

  • doctors - as being primarily interested in professional liability proceedings
  • lawyers - pursuant to Article 58(2) of the above-mentioned Act, the defendant may appoint not more than two defence counsels from among doctors, advocates or legal advisers, and in turn, Article 98(2) provides for the so-called 'attorney-client privilege', i.e. the cassation complaint filed by a party should be drawn up and signed by a defence counsel who is an advocate or a legal adviser or an attorney who is an advocate or a legal adviser - lawyers may therefore participate in the procedures in question and therefore the guidance provided in the study may be instructive for them
  • patients, who often act as victims, filing complaints with ombudsmen for professional liability

The aim of this book is to name the legal problems of professional liability and to identify their lawful and practical solutions."

source of description: description publishers