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Act on Patients' Rights and Patients' Ombudsman Commenta

14 December 2022

In June 2009, the Act on Patients' Rights and Patients' Ombudsman passed on 6 November 2008 came into force. The Act was part of the so-called package of health laws reforming the health care system. The Act is intended to comprehensively systematise and structure the legal norms regulating patient rights in a single legal act. The scope of the Act covers, among other things, the rights of the patient and the obligations of healthcare providers related to the realisation of these rights. It also creates a new institution? Patient Ombudsman. This publication is the first commentary to the Act on Patient Rights and Patient Ombudsman on the market. It analyses the provisions, taking into account judicial decisions, as at 31 August 2009. The presented views are illustrated with numerous examples. The presented views are illustrated with numerous examples. The book is a compendium of knowledge on the regulations contained in the Act on Patient Rights and Patient Ombudsman. It clearly and lucidly shows how to apply the regulations in practice in order to respect patient rights.

We recommend the commentary as a practical guide for doctors, nurses and midwives, paramedics and other healthcare professionals. It will be useful to organisations dealing with patient rights issues, lawyers and others interested in the issues discussed. The book is also recommended to students and lecturers of medical universities. At the same time, the book is also useful for patients as it shows how to enforce their rights.