The book is a thorough study of a dozen legal issues concerning the situation of the patient as a subject who is entitled to certain rights in his/her relationship with the doctor, or representatives of other medical professions, and with the health care system.
In particular, the publication focuses on the patient's right to health services that correspond to the requirements of current medical knowledge, on the issue of respect for the patient's autonomy, including his or her privacy, and on the patient's rights to information and medical records.
The authors present the aforementioned issues from both the theoretical and practical side, illustrating these important issues with numerous examples. They also show and analyse control mechanisms for ensuring the realisation of patient rights. To this end, they refer to the institution of the Patient Ombudsman and show the possibilities of protecting patient rights through civil proceedings.
The book is primarily intended for patients, doctors, lawyers, law students and those responsible for upholding patients' rights in healthcare entities.
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