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Humanising perinatal care as a condition for a healthy society. Standards and reality on the example of Poland and Chile

14 December 2022

A humanistic approach to pregnant women is crucial because humanistic care and a good relationship with medical staff can make a real difference to the psycho-physical condition of the mother. A book with five chapters - Procreative health and perinatal care - the systemic context of health care; Dimensions of support in the name of the so-called good birth; Axio-normative pillars of professional perinatal care; Perinatal care in the opinion of surveyed Polish and Chilean women - survey results; Inadequate perinatal care - possible risks and consequences

A recommendation from the authors is, above all, the need for social and medical promotional campaigns focused on perinatal practice and maternity prevention, and to carry out more extensive social research (especially in terms of sample size) on the experience of institutional perinatal care provided during pregnancy, delivery and the puerperium.

Good maternity care refers to health understood not in biological terms, but holistically. When a woman receives adequate, coherently and harmoniously planned and organised support, she can take up her role as mother without additional burdens and focus her attention on her relationship with her child, her loved ones and herself - precisely in this new role. She also makes fewer mistakes that could destructively affect the child's functioning in the family and subsequently in society. Every newborn baby should have the chance to form a close relationship with a wellbeing mother, free of paralysing anxiety or significant psycho-physical strain. For this reason, it is necessary not only to monitor and implement on an ongoing basis systemic and institutional solutions that meet the needs of pregnant women, but above all to make medical staff aware of the consequences of inadequate interpersonal relationships, emphasising the importance of an empathetic approach, full of understanding and respect for women's autonomy.

Book link: https://dspace.uni.lodz.pl/bitstream/handle/11089/32842/Laska- Formejster_Humanisationcare.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y