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Confucian bioethics as a response to the challenges of modern medicine

14 December 2022

The dynamic development of biology, medicine and technology is one of the main reasons for the ethical reflection on interference in the natural processes of life, which has led to the emergence of a new interdisciplinary field - bioethics. This approach combines scientific knowledge with ethical values and points to the need to reconcile scientific achievements with humanistic values as determinants of the interplay between science and ethics. The originality of Chinese culture inspires us to appreciate Confucian philosophy, which is a cultural repository of knowledge about human life, personal relationships and man's relationship with nature. In this text, I describe some of the fundamental problems of bioethics, e.g. Euthanasia, suicide, abortion and the death penalty from the perspective of Confucian and Western bioethics. Confucian ethical thought is based on five rules: humanity (ren), righteousness (yi), ritual (li), wisdom (zhi) and faithfulness (xin), which set the boundaries of human activity. These ideas underpin the cultural richness of contemporary Chinese bioethics and can successfully inspire European bioethics; therefore, they promote mutual understanding between East and West

https://bazhum.muzhp.pl/media/files/Studia_Prawnoustrojowe/Studia_Prawnoustrojowe- r2006-t-n6/Studia_Prawnoustrojowe-r2006-t-n6-s215-217/Studia_Prawnoustrojowe-r2006-t- n6-s215-217.pdf