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Bioethics of the beginning of life - ethical problems. A case study on the example of Agata Mróz

14 December 2022

There is still no single clear answer to the question of at what point in the development of human life we can speak of a human being. It is not obvious to everyone that a new human being begins to exist at the moment of conception. Treating the prenatal period as the phase in which it is lawful and conscientious to deprive a conceived child of life, one would have to find a clear boundary between pre-human life and life in humanity. However, these are terms that are difficult to distinguish and should not be acted upon to the detriment of the embryo. There is no doubt that any action taken to remove an embryo is unacceptable and incompatible with the Christian religion. Any kind of harmful and destructive action against existing embryos should be stopped immediately. We should protect the foetus at every stage of development, even if there are all kinds of doubts about the future of the child or the mother.
