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Bioethics between quality and sanctity of life

14 December 2022

The purpose of this article is to attempt a natural approach based on the categories of bioethics, namely the quality of life, the value of human life and the sanctity of life (the quality of life constitutes its sanctity). Through an in-depth analysis of the biological aspect of good and evil and the study of the emergence of rational and free (human) being in an evolutionary perspective, an effort is made to show the uniqueness, specificity and unity of the human being. The analysis moves towards laying the foundations for bioethical evaluation. Bioethics as an interdisciplinary science must be based on an interdisciplinary anthropology that takes into account the ontic-existential structure of being.

https://repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl/Content/64696/PDF/05_Debita_Magdalena_Bioetyka_wspol tuition_challenges_a_social_science_of_the_Catholic_Church.pdf