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Bioethics in the face of the challenges of globalisation

14 December 2022

Bioethics addressed to enlightened citizens of different cultures can contribute to making people aware that the excessive health expectations placed on society cannot be fulfilled for objective reasons. People seem to fail to see that there are dimensions of life and health and values that even the best organised social institutions cannot satisfy without their personal involvement. Globalisation is changing the nature of responsibility for human action and placing responsibility on social institutions to maintain adequate health conditions in the public space of life, but these changes must not lead to the disappearance of individual responsibility for one's own well-being.

https://bazhum.muzhp.pl/media/files/Humanistyka_i_Przyrodoznawstwo/Humanistyka_i_Prz yrodoznawstwo-r2006-t12/Humanistyka_i_Przyrodoznawstwo-r2006-t12-s185- 192/Humanistyka_i_Przyrodoznawstwo-r2006-t12-s185-192.pdf