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Human dignity and bioethics

14 December 2022

Eighteenth-century declarations of human rights pointed to a Creator (the American Declaration of Independence) or the Supreme Being (French Declaration of Human Rights) as their guarantors. The increasing secularisation of politics and culture has prompted human rights theorists to to turn to human dignity as a value that is the source of their validity. Human dignity can be justified in a religious way (human beings have a special status because it is created in the image of God) or in a purely rational way (the basis of the special item man w world is its rationality i ability to selection. freely). Therefore dignity man fixed get value universal i maybe constitute point references for adherents of different world views. Human dignity and human rights have today of particular importance in the system of international law and bioethics. The latter protects The health and lives of individuals in the case of medical interventions, especially at the beginning and at the Finally life human beings.
