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Catholic bioethics and lay bioethics - dialogue or confrontation?

14 December 2022

The article addresses the validity of the division between Catholic bioethics and lay bioethics, describing their interdependence, differences and the nature of the dispute over the issues that distinguish them. Bioethical disputes are one of the many categories of disputes that are part of the life of pluralistic societies. Against the background of other debates, however, bioethical disputes involve the participants in the debate very strongly and heat up emotions. In the article, a methodological analysis is carried out, which allows us to situate bioethics as a separate scientific discipline, characterised by interdisciplinarity, having its own research method. In the light of the methodological analysis made, the topic of the legitimacy of the division into Catholic bioethics and lay bioethics is addressed, indicating the criteria for such a division. Awareness of the differences that occur in the field of bioethics motivates us to consider what shape the debate on bioethical issues should take? Is dialogue and dispute possible, or are we doomed to confrontation? In which areas should there be dialogue, argumentation? Is it possible to compromise on moral issues?
