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Bioethics. Its history and ways of apprehending it,

14 December 2022

Bioethics is a discipline that combines the natural sciences (biology, medicine) with the moral sciences of human behaviour (ethics). Bioethics began to develop in the field of ecology, so it emerged primarily as a discipline of environmental protection and ecosystem behaviour (environmental ethics). Later, the issue of contention was limited to problems related to human health and its promotion (medical ethics). However, these problems are closely related to the protection of plants and the protection of animal life. The practice of bioethics faces difficulties related to the interdisciplinarity of this branch and the axiological pluralism of the modern world. Consequently, in the field of bioethics, respect for human beings and human rights as a proxy commonly accepted in the practice of social life and international law becomes paramount. It is a positive fact that the European Union has recognised and accepted these values as its own components of cultural identity.

https://wydawnictwo.wsb.pl/sites/wydawnictwo.wsb.pl/files/czasopisma- tresc/ChSP_824-06.pdf#page=153