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The identity of Catholic bioethics

14 December 2022

The publication is divided into two parts. The first focuses on the foundations of Catholic-inspired bioethics. After a general presentation of the history of bioethics, the crisis of respect for human life in the modern world and the response of the Catholic Church, concerned about the personal dignity of every human being, are presented, followed by various dimensions of the connection between bioethics and Catholic philosophical and theological thought. Thus, the reference of bioethics to the attitude of faith, in which man acknowledges the primacy of God in his life, is highlighted, followed by philosophical and theological reflection, especially the theological and moral one, which is the foundation of bioethical reflection. In the second part, the more important aspects of Catholic bioethics are discussed, mostly in the context of axiological foundations of a philosophical and theological nature. This part opens with a synthetic presentation of the bioethical issues present in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Subsequently, issues related to the Church's involvement in caring for human health and ethical issues in family pastoral care are examined. Practical additions to this are issues related to the ministry of the family doctor. The publication closes with a discussion of two fundamental bioethical issues, namely the Catholic approach to the duty of care for human life and the position of Catholic bioethics on the issue of medical experiments.