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Truth, confidentiality, autonomy - problems of information in medical ethics. An anthology of bioethics

14 December 2022

The anthology Truth, confidentiality, autonomy - problems of information in medical ethics is the next, fifth volume of the Anthology of Bioethics, published by TAiWPN Universitas under the scientific editorship of Włodzimierz Galewicz (previous volumes: vol. I: Around death and dying, Krakow 2009; vol. II: The Origins of Human Life, Krakow 2010; vol. III: Research with Human Participation, Krakow 2011; vol. IV: Justice in Medicine, Krakow 2016). The texts included in this volume, translated from English, provide a comprehensive overview of the problems related to the transmission of various medical information: intended for patients (bad news, the requirement of informed consent, the right not to know, the permissibility of placebos), provided in biomedical research (therapeutic illusion, respect for the autonomy of research participants), or concerning patients or research participants and shared with third parties (limits of professional secrecy).