This publication is a comprehensive collection of translated documents including both texts of international conventions, soft law documents and rulings of the European Court of Human Rights on the protection of human rights in the context of the development of biomedical sciences and techniques. The documents presented are accompanied by the author's commentaries introducing the issues presented.
The book covers a broad spectrum of biomedical issues related to, inter alia: procreative rights (termination of pregnancy, in vitro fertilisation, etc.), euthanasia and consent to medical intervention, genetics, transplants, medical experiments and procedural requirements for so-called medical processes, medical data protection, healthcare management. Addresses:
The book is intended for managers and healthcare professionals, members of bioethics committees operating at district medical chambers and medical universities, as well as legal professionals specialising in medical law and judges adjudicating such cases. It should also be of interest to academics and students of law and medicine.