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Bioethics. Key issues

14 December 2022

Bioethics has become part of life. It has slipped out of laboratories, from under microscopes and test tubes storing tissues at liquid nitrogen temperatures. It has penetrated the walls of laboratories, clinics and hospitals to reach out to people facing difficult problems and raising fundamental questions, standing close to life:

-Is an embryo already a human being?

-Can a human being be cloned?

-Can evolution be reconciled with Church teaching?

This is a seminal book, by a renowned ethicist of international standing, Fr Tadeusz Ślipka SJ, firmly rooted in scientific research, addressing issues such as:


artificial insemination

prenatal diagnosis


organ transplantation and blood donation euthanasia

the animal world in the light of ethics

genetic manipulation

sterilisation and castration

use of anaesthetics (anaesthesia)

death penalty and suicide

AIDS and many other problems