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Bioethics: In the name of progress and survival

14 December 2022

Bioethics, as a new scientific discipline, was established within the United States in the early 1970s. It forms the basis for every model of bioethics practised today.

The predominant contemporary view of bioethics is the one once proposed by A. Hellegers, but there is also no lack of references to the vision of bioethics as understood by V. R. Potter. The current of medical bioethics proposed by A. Hellegers is close to Polish bioethicists also due to the Catholic roots of the Dutch physiologist and embryologist, which are revealed at the level of analyses conducted by him.

The paper pays particular attention to bioethics of personalist inspiration and its representatives.

This bioethics has its own definition, method and is based on personalistic anthropology. In doing so, it refers to the original objectives of bioethics, which was created to protect human beings from the application of certain techniques in biomedicine. This model of bioethics, based on various sources, seeks ethical solutions in the field of biomedical activities on the basis of an integral anthropology and normative ethics.

Man possessing inalienable personal dignity, as a spiritual-bodily being, is the starting point of all bioethical decisions. Referring to the idea of bioethics as a science of survival, Polish bioethics of personalistic inspiration tries to protect man, his health and life, based on the category of sanctity of life, and not only the category of quality of life.

(extract from the conclusion)