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Ethics, law and biomedicine

14 December 2022

The dynamic development of biomedical science is, on the one hand, a source of great hope for increasing the length and quality of human life, but, on the other hand, it continually raises moral questions which can be reduced to a single fundamental question: what can and cannot be done in the field of biomedical research, particularly research involving human beings? These doubts do not appear to be unfounded:

The history of medicine, including modern medicine, is not unfamiliar with cases of drastic violations of research ethics. In light of these, even the greatest proponents of conducting biomedical research involving human subjects agree that such research requires increased vigilance and ethical scrutiny. It is therefore not surprising that numerous attempts have been made to set ethical and legal standards for the conduct of research involving human subjects in biomedicine. These efforts may include the establishment of organisations, institutions and scientific units dealing with the ethics of biomedical research, the creation of international legal regulations concerning this type of research, the creation of international codes of good practice6 or, finally, a wide range of publications on ethical and legal aspects of research in biomedicine. Given the above-mentioned attempts to standardise biomedical research, it would seem that a publication containing a discussion of the basic ethical and legal problems associated with biomedical research involving human subjects is merely a duplication of a review of the key issues already available in the literature. The Polish reader will not get this impression, however, because in contrast to Anglo-Saxon bioethics, where the issue of biomedical research has long been firmly rooted and intensively developed, interdisciplinary studies on the subject are still scarce in Polish scientific publications.

(extract from text)

https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/41596784/M_Makowska.pdf?1453843801=&response- content- disposition=inline+filenameMakowska_M_2016_Ethical_challenges_relationship.pdf& Expires=1619114583&Signature=EbuOd49tsxd7Yb3dkHCWYet~eDl085ruWQSoC1hV9nB GGiYw-MIeMpbJKvre6GMglOjBK20us3O0kElPZMQll3-. chPuNmaMgWaDCwdJlSe9pdZ91FxHkScb7JdjxF4trTkg5WgTcRQlCrj8l03Guj9BzczUGBd LAt2eBjqNiB2cdDWIp2qKZN~hNdcxpNk4zn5ZZa3e42eie3NgChXvXYBcmTUzv9o1jIY7 cg22ggiMTGe-IEU8JV13Pm-jJEdrxRrlRFnD2E~QPcY2fJNlZKIpFI-. xVNxqtQsboDTpW1hhHsp~DeOQU1v2wqBURQBIohu9D2V4gJRIB~Ennqhi7Rg &Key-. Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZAlong work (318)