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Medical ethics in the era of commercialisation of health care services in Poland

14 December 2022

The purpose of this article is to present the problem of the validity of the Code of Medical Ethics operating in an economic and legal environment. The subject of the information asymmetry that exists in health care is widely commented on. There are objections raised by those who have referred to the current standards and attitudes represented by members of the medical community. This article highlights the factors that influence the functioning of healthcare providers and the decision-making process involved in treating patients. The level of medical care was assessed on the basis of a survey conducted in July 2013 in Lower Silesia.

https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/62192801/kwartalnik_edukacja_Kaczmarek20200225- 57712-1tpkb90.pdf?1582635116=&response-content- disposition=inline+filenameJak_uczyc_etyki_przyszlych_lekarze_Przeg.pdf&Expir es=1619111085&Signature=JnpwXKYTAQdETH9miIEColHj4jpDny8CysECpRsSwzXRY3 1ixZIULd1BxtpUUiebvrXk- bRhDLZoBzGbRH4wAlYFESKnBG3Uhkdfp3ON4z3BTAY55msZAdOHypTpMkD7U5d06 KPnMe-kNX7~x5KPG7emYolZjSrNuocaa4oeUPHnkYQyeHS4-. MwO6OVWYRcCfXZQqkEwhy~7M6s6yvsw7u33~TZSlMuIUZ6doRpLCTTSZX25eG-. KMzht655Oo55xYammCInLY3MKnTkPNAkfcD81W6a2~gjNdwt~89q6ZTJGCdejNStW6Is 1wwV0ctWmbYskOEM3kZw4jqimmlGIRg &Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA