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Current issues in medicine - technology or ethics?

14 December 2022

The technical and pharmacological revolution in modern medicine has not solved the ethical problems that seem more relevant today than ever before. Most articles on medical ethics focus on 'big' issues such as the sequencing of the human genome, organisational cloning and quantitative or qualitative interference in the creation of life. However, the article describes the practical ethical problems that physicians face in their daily practice. First of all, the problem of setting standards for prevention and treatment when costs exceed the financial capacity of the health care system. Secondly, how to face the problem of rare diseases when the cost of treating one patient can equal the entire budget of a medical department. Thirdly, how to deal with elderly people with multiple diseases qualified for invasive procedures All these examples have a common basis: in these cases, the technical equipment is at our disposal, but we cannot or do not want to use it.
