Narrative medicine, by focusing on the individuality of the patient, is a response to the objective treatment of the patient reducing him or her to the sum of bio-medical phenomena while ignoring the psycho-social and cultural aspect of his or her functioning. The practice of narrative medicine involves listening to the patient's story encompassing the biographical, psychological and socio-cultural context of illness and coping, as well as narration by professionals based on their professional experience with patients. Narrative medicine does not replace traditional evidence-based medicine, but complements it, as being open to the humanistic aspects of illness helps to provide a wealth of information that is relevant to the therapeutic process, and could be missed if the patient is viewed solely in terms of bio-medical disorders. The aim of this paper was to discuss selected issues related to the practice of narrative medicine in nursing. 2/publication/338337579_Narrativity_of_disease_and_becoming_medical_tomorrow/links/5e0d dc86299bf10bc38a34e5/Narrativity-of-the-disease-and-the-medicine-of-tomorrow.pdf