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Clinician-patient communication. Views of the teacher-clinician and the patient

12 December 2022

The subject of the study refers to the author's interest in doctor-patient relationships, in the description of which he used his experience as an academic doctor and patient. These considerations are based on a survey carried out by several anaesthesiologists on their relations with patients undergoing surgical treatment or intensive care. The reflections concern the quality of doctor-patient communication, its contemporary obstacles and threats. The study draws on the insights of an ethicist and axiolinguist, as well as a clinician, the latter on the subject of conscience as an element of interpersonal relations. Attention was drawn to the role and responsibility of teacher-clinicians in shaping the subjective quality of doctor-patient communication. The inclusion of communicative competences in the deontological canon of the physician seems to be a demand shared by ethicists and teacher-clinicians concerned about the quality of these competences.

https://ruj.uj.edu.pl/xmlui/bitstream/handle/item/246205/makara- studzinska_gustaw_krys_trudnosci_w_komunikacji_z_pacjentem_2012.pdf?sequence=1 &isAllowed=y