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New developments in the doctor-patient relationship in the context of Internet development

12 December 2022

(doctor-patient relationship)


This article presents the changes taking place in the doctor-patient relationship following the emergence of new communication technologies, in particular the Internet. The author presents selected models that move away from the paternalistic Hippocratic tradition and relinquish the physician's authority in favour of greater autonomy, subjectivity and responsibility of the patient. In real life situations, the doctor-patient relationship is shaped by political, economic and social conditions. The emergence of telemedicine and the use of the Internet in the health care system is changing the traditional system of power-based relationships. New concepts are emerging to characterise new communication situations, e.g. E-patient, e-health, e-doctor, which are changing the context of the doctor-patient relationship. The Internet popularises medical knowledge, stripping it of its 'aura of mystery'. It is becoming a space for new relationships and forms of communication about health, illness and medicine.

Summary of the article