Homepage " Publications " Polish publications " Teaching communicative competence in medical science in mono- and multicultural settings

Teaching communicative competence in medical science in mono- and multicultural settings

12 December 2022

https://wladzasadzenia.pl/2019/16/nauczanie-kompetencji-komunikacyjnych-w-naukach- medical-in-mono-and-multicultural-environment.pdf

(doctor-patient relationship)

"Effective communication between the patient and medical staff determines the success of the process of diagnosing and treating the patient. Scientific reports confirm the positive impact of good communication on patients' health. In modern medicine, communication with the patient's family is also an important component of the communication process. Acquiring soft skills in communication is therefore as important a component of medical education as a thorough knowledge of the structure and functioning of the human body. This article aims to show the role of communication skills and to highlight the difficulties in teaching communication competences in a mono- and multicultural environment on the example of the medical faculty for Polish and English-speaking students at the Medical University of Łódź. As the analysis has shown, some of the problems in teaching are general and universal, however, there are strongly culturally determined differences affecting the difficulties in teaching soft competencies, including communication skills in a multicultural environment."

source abstract