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Communication between doctor and family of people at the end of life in care facilities

12 December 2022

The aim of this study was to summarise current knowledge on communication at the end of life between a doctor and a relative of dying nursing home patients.

A review of the literature showed that relatives of dying patients reported low satisfaction with the quality of communication with the doctor. Relatives complained that they were not informed about the patient's condition, did not understand the information given by the doctor and were not involved in discussions about treatment.

To sum up:

  • The concept of quality communication at the end of life between the doctor and the patient's relatives in the care home is still not well established,
  • The number of tools to assess communication at the end of life in care homes is limited,
  • Communication between doctor and family is one of the most important aspects of end-of-life care,
  • can be influenced by many factors, but one of the most important is the availability of doctors in care homes