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Cancer Stories: The art of communication in oncology care

12 December 2022

Nell Dunn's play 'Tales of Cancer', captures the experiences of people affected by cancer, and their families and carers, at all stages of their struggle with the disease. The study 'Tales of Cancer. The art of communication in oncology care' was developed in collaboration with clinicians, patients and communication experts as a tool to provide support to clinicians involved in cancer care. It discusses the problems emanating from each scene of the play, stimulating reflection on where this communication can be improved. It also includes tips and practical exercises to awaken empathy and understanding and work through the emotions of patients and their families. This study has been developed for professionals from a variety of specialties, including primary care and specialist nurses and primary and specialist health care physicians. Depending on the need, it can be used in its entirety or selected chapters during seminars or training sessions. Acting out scenes of the play with colleagues or friends allows you to look at the problem from the other side, to experience the issues raised personally. The drama technique shows how much good communication can make a difference in the lives of people affected by cancer.