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Quality of human life in health and illness

12 December 2022

One could venture to say that every person, when reflecting on his or her life, asks how it is good for him or her. He evaluates the various situations in which he has found himself, the experiences he has had, his relationships with others, his do- ings, and has a certain emotional attitude to them. Questions that concern the evaluation of the quality of existence in various areas are asked at different moments in life. They are asked by people who are happy, who have everything going according to their aspirations, who are accompanied by exceptionally good events and friendly people. But it seems that the answer to the question of quality of life is particularly important in difficult situations. In the face of the difficulties experienced, man also tries to find the good sides of his life, which often become a factor that can help to overcome crisis situations. In moments of suffering, people are more likely to reflect on their existence, its deeper meaning, and to examine themselves and their life. These reflections are not only important for the person himself, but also for those around him and for planning the most appropriate support.