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Legal Position of the Patient

10 December 2022

For the last 10 years, patients' rights have been regulated by the Act on Patients' Rights and Patients' Ombudsman. In this Act, we find an explanation of various concepts such as patient, loved one, medical records and a broad catalogue of patient rights. We will also find information on the position and competences of the Patient Ombudsman and new regulations on the non-judicial model of patient redress.

The catalogue of patient rights is very broad and includes, inter alia, the right to health services, the right to consent, the right to information, the right to extra nursing care, the right to patient visitation, as well as the right to pain management and access to medical records. If we suspect that our patient rights have been violated, we can contact the Patient Ombudsman, who will help us to pursue our claims. It is useful to know your rights and what options you have when your rights are violated.